Healthy Italian Inspired Popcorn

My Italian inspired popcorn

My Italian inspired popcorn

There is no snack I enjoy more than popcorn, and I love it soaked in butter.
When I say soaked, I mean I want my popcorn orange and dripping in butter. But recently, I’ve been trying to eat a little healthier.

So I made the mistake of buying “healthy” popcorn. It may be healthier than buttered, but it sadly tastes like cardboard because they forgot to add flavor.

But I can’t let an entire box of popcorn go to waste! So I started brainstorming about what I could put on it without it being unhealthy.

So I decided to try out a few of the random bits and pieces of condiments around the house. And I discovered that coating popcorn in olive oil and white cheddar popcorn seasoning is like a taste of Italy in my mouth.

At first, I was a bit worried of whether or not olive oil was healthier since I noticed the high caloric content, but after more research (and a little common sense) I realized that olive oil would be much more beneficial to my body than to eat a stick of butter with my popcorn.

These a few of the things I learned:

1: Olive oil has a high concentration of monounsaturated fat, which can actually help to lower LDL cholesterol (the bad kind of cholesterol)

2: It also has polyunsaturated fats which help lower blood cholesterol level and to maintain a healthy heart.

3: Saturated fats (an ingredient of butter) and trans fats (found in margarine), can raise your LDL cholesterol levels as well as increase risk of heart disease and several other health problems

After digging a little deeper, I found information on The Mediterranean Diet, which is the diet of those who live in the Mediterranean region such as Italy and Greece.

You can read further on the Mediterranean Diet at

But I did learn that their main substitute for butter and margarine was olive oil.

And not to mention, it tastes much better than butter!

Happy healthy eating! (: